About Me

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I'm a burlesque dancer out of New Jersey. I perform all up and down the East Coast and this blog will be all about my videos, shoots, and just... random stuff with me!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Times They Are A Changing.

In my 10 years of performing, things have changed for the better and the not so great. When I started out, I did a lot of research. I did research on songs, on styles, on costume ideas, on basically everything that makes up an act. I did this because I never wanted to come off like I was copying someone. I never wanted to step on toes. I never wanted to make someone be upset with me when all I did was like a song enough to do my own interpretation.

Then I started falling into doing more Nerdlesque. Another reason to research. Does someone else do a character? Are they well known for doing said character? Ooh it looks like we had similar ideas... So I'd do a thing, I'd reach out to them. Shoot them a quick Myspace message or an email (if I had access to it). I'd say I loved their work, but I didn't want to step on toes... I was looking at doing an act as the same character. If they were not okay with this, I would back off.

No, no one "owns" a character unless it's literally YOUR OWN LICENSED CHARACTER... but.. it was always just a nice gesture. More times than not the performer and I would compare notes, and being as mine would be completely different and we'd (most likely) be on other sides of the state/country/etc, I'd get their blessing and I'd go for it. Whenever I teach I always tell people do to this. Why? Because it's courtesy. Sometimes a performer comes back going, "Oh I'd rather you not for these specific reasons". Yes, it would be a bummer. But you'd move on. You'll get another lightning strike of genius, I promise. Maybe you'll think it's not as good. Maybe it'll even be better than the original idea. But you'd never know until it happened.

I've noticed a pattern in the last few years since Nerdlesque has exploded onto the scene (which is AWESOME). A lot of characters are getting shared. And that's still AWESOME. I love seeing other's ideas and ways of showing their love for the same things I do. But the thing is, when performers are in the same state/are... the courtesy has been lost. No one does that one simple act of "Hey just wanted to reach out, because I saw you do X and you're pretty well known for X. I wanted to do an act as X as well. Just wanted to give you a heads up!" I'm probably not going to say no. I have a very small list of acts where if someone came and said "Hey I wanted to do this thing!" I'd probably be a pain in the ass and say "Aw come on could ya not?"

I have no legal grounds to stand on. I didn't draw the characters. I didn't write the music. I didn't do any of those things. But what I did do is put my heart and soul into an act to make sure it was as individual as possible, and I know you can too. But just do that simple "Hey heads up!" It saves everyone a world of UGHHHHH.

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