About Me

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I'm a burlesque dancer out of New Jersey. I perform all up and down the East Coast and this blog will be all about my videos, shoots, and just... random stuff with me!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happy birthday, Mom!

My mom is internet challenged. But I felt like writing a little something for her while watching a Golden Girls marathon (so appropriate). She turns 60 years old today. I felt kinda crappy because I can't really afford a huge blowout gift or party for her. But she's the type of woman who gets mad when I pick up the bill for a sack of Sliders at White Castle. She owns a landscaping business and actually works alongside her employees digging, planting, cutting, etc. She's always been my rock, my crazy (sometimes ditzy) rock. Anytime I need a shoulder or a listening ear, she's there night or day. She's there for me through thick and thin, and she always makes sure I am happy. When I was in a deep depression in the darkest time of my life, she didn't give up on me. She has never ever made me feel guilty for anything. But she is the greatest woman to ever ever ever grace my life. When I got into Burlesque 7 years ago (holy shit) I was afraid to tell her for the first year, but after I did she was nervous. But she supported me. She would tell me, "As long as you're safe, go for it. You're young. Have fun." She has bought me costume pieces and props. She marvels at my rhinestone encrusted creations and when a show is close to home she comes and sits in the front row screaming the loudest and waving her arms like a crazy person (while eating mozzarella sticks and drinking a Diet Coke). It's because of her I'm obsessed with films like Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, anything Disney related, and the Birdcage. She's the reason I am who I am.

I love you mom. Even though you probably won't see this. I love you, you crazy crazy woman you.

1 comment:

  1. I love your mom too!! She was my second mom for a couple years in the middle there! Happy Birthday, Monica!! <3
